Losing a loved one is hard and you must handle other aspects besides the hurt and grief to ensure everything is in order. 

Sometimes, that means clearing items from the deceased house which may evoke buried thoughts and memories, making the grief harder.

That is a lot for someone in mourning to handle, fortunately, there are companies like Ridly Rubbish Removal that manage these affairs. 

These companies remove the junk around the home and clean the place to prepare it for any other use. 

That way, you have no worries about what to do about the garbage or how to get the house clean.

However, there are a few things to know if you must take care of the estate. So, before taking that huge step, consider the following questions:

Is There a Plan?

Going into sorting and clearing a house without a plan is dangerous. You will quickly wear yourself out without achieving much. 

If there’s no assistance from a professional service, find other loved ones willing to undertake the task and delegate responsibilities.

It helps to list what to do daily and stick to it; let others know their jobs each day until the clearance is over. 

Have a specific timeframe for that task so you can attend to other things. That way, you will go through the house quicker than expected.

House clearance

Do You Have Financial Access?

Estate clearance is a thorough process which is even more so if the house is big and there are a lot of items to clean. 

That also means there would be a need for money to do that and have to ensure in case you can access the funds from the deceased’s will. 

If not, contact the will’s executor to know if there is enough to handle the clearance.

Such a task may take some time, so an individual must start to sort out the financial aspect early. 

Determine how much it is required to clear the home before asking for funds. If there is not enough in the deceased’s will to cover the expenses, must find alternative funding for the job.

Average costs of clearance size

Are There Important Documents?

Only some people keep required documents in a safe deposit box in a bank or security house. 

You would be surprised at the number of people who keep their valuable documents at home. 

So, during the time of clearing a deceased person’s home, a vital step is to look for such documents.

Some may already know where they are making the process easy. But if not, take the time to search the house until they are located. 

Clearance companies can also help with the task; it may be easier for them because they have the experience of knowing where such items are hidden. 

Having them for safekeeping is good but you will need them to sort financial matters, especially if someone is the executor or inheritor of what is left, financial or otherwise.

home Clearance

Can You Sell Anything?

When clearing a deceased loved one’s house, one of the things to consider is sales. 

Sometimes, it feels like to hold on to items with sentimental value but you must also be logical. 

If there is a direct order on what to sell from the owner in their will, the job becomes more manageable, and you can quickly get rid of those objects. 

However, when no explicit instruction exists, the decision of what to sell is yours. That means sorting out what to keep, give, or throw out. 

Then, determine what has market value and what things can be kept. Clearance companies can help in this by valuing items for their proper value to get a fair market price and that is one of the advantages of using such a service.

Should You Give Anything to Loved Ones?

This question may sound odd but some estate owners may expressly stipulate that you cannot give any of their valued items to other people. 

They may instruct on what to keep and what to sell but say nothing about giving valuables to other family members, friends, or colleagues.

What do you do in such a situation? The decision is ultimately yours. It is easier when the instructions are clear but if the owner is silent, give a few objects to people close to the deceased. 

That may help reduce the work of clearing the house since there are fewer items to sort or throw out.

work of clearing the house

Are You Clearing the Junk Yourself?

The thought of spending some money on junk removal may sound extravagant. After all, we all declutter from time to time, right? 

And when we do that, we usually clear the junk ourselves; we never need the services of any rubbish removal company. 

Removing it yourself or engaging the help of a few willing people should do the job.

Besides this may work in some cases but it is only ideal in some cases. This applies especially to a house with many items, like in a hoarder’s home. 

It might be appalling to know how much junk can go through to sort the good from the bad and ugly. 

Let’s not talk about the unpleasantness you must encounter when embarking on the task.

And there’s when the assistance of professionals is required the most and it does not have to cost an arm and a leg. 

The team knows the job and has probably seen it all so nothing can faze it and anyone can rely on the professionals to sort out what can be recycled or reused and clear out years of rubbish.

Afterward, they will clean the house. They may require you to come around and pick valuable things but that’s it. The rest of the work is in their hands.

Do You Know? 
There’s a Japanese lady named Miyu Kojima, when somebody dies lonely and alone, she steps in to clean their home and organize the mementos of their life.

What About the Outdoors?

If the estate has lawns or gardens, how do you handle their care? A green thumb is good because as we know when the garden needs immediate attention or if weeds in the lawn are at risk of choking the grass. 

However, doing the job by ourselves is out of the question if the garden or yard is large.

In such a situation, call the professionals for the job and direct them on what to do but let them take care of the landscape. 

Trained people must do this job if there’s a plan to rent or sell the house. Also, must prepare it for viewing and want it to be in its best shape.


Is Anyone in Opposition?

Wanting to clear the estate of a deceased person is one thing but having everyone concerned on your side is different. 

Unless you are the deceased’s only living relative or loved one, you must find out if others are aware of the plans to shift the property, regardless of how well-intentioned the plans are.

It is vital to note that removing any item from such an estate is a crime if other relatives contest it. 

You can click here to understand the roles of the executor if there’s an urgent need to remove items.

If there is no designated person to clear the place, it is best to store the valuables in one location and allow the will executor to distribute them. 

Do not get into a contest with anyone; let everything go according to the will. Afterward, you can request permission to clean and set the house in order.


Besides nothing is as hurtful as losing a loved one, you must take care of things after them, which involves clearing their estate. 

It may be a painful process but fortunately, designated companies can handle it. 

However, ensure what to do to ensure a smooth process if you do it or have a service handle it. 

Make a list of what needs to be done, ensure to have the funds to cover expenses, know what to sell or give out, and keep everyone involved in the know. The job gets finished in no time with these steps.

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