Riding a motorcycle is fun and all. But at the same time, it is also necessary to stay safe while you have fun on your two-wheeler. 

According to data, The number of motorcycle fatalities now stands at 6,218 and the rate is 26.16 per 100 million vehicle miles. Thus, it is necessary for you to have  liability and insurance coverage to help you in times when it is needed. Also, learn about Technologies That Can Reduce Car Accidents with this guide.

Another important thing in case of motorcycle accidents is the accident settlement. How is that done? Read the article till the end to learn how it is done. This guide dives into the key elements that affect settlements, as told by experienced motorcycle accident lawyers. It aims to provide insights to help you navigate the complexities of the claims process.

Severity of Injuries

Each accident case is unique in its own. So, there is no one fit for all procedures for all accident cases. To find out the severity of injuries, it is sustained in a motorcycle accident significantly impact the settlement amount.

More serious injuries lead to heavy hospital bills, or vice versa. They also come with longer recover times, impact on your quality of life, etc.

Factors considered to find the severity of injuries include:

  • Medical Bills: Total expenses incurred in total treatment, surgeries, rehabilitation, etc. are monitored.
  • Permanent Disability: If there is any injury or harm to the victim that is going to be there for a long time, or permanent, it will increase settlement amounts due to lifelong care and lost earning capacity.
  • Pain and Suffering: Not only visible harm, but the pain and suffering that the victim is going through is also a decisive factor.

Degree of Fault

Both parties might be on the fault resulting to an accident. Whereas, there might be some conditions as well when only one party is at fault. This is known as degree of fault, which also affects the settlement case to a significant extent. 

  • Comparative Negligence: In states where comparative negligence laws are in place, the aggrieved party’s share of the settlement money is subtracted. For example, your settlement is lowered by 20% if it is determined that you are 20% at fault.
  • Contributory Negligence: In certain places, you might not be able to get any compensation at all if it is determined that you were even somewhat at fault.

Economic and Non-Economic Damages

As the name suggests, economic damages cover all the losses of both the parties happened in the event. Be it the expenses in medical bills, damage to the vehicle or any thing in the vehicle.

Whereas non-economic damages include pain and suffering, loss of happiness in life, or loss of consortium. Basically any kind of loss that cannot be measures in monetary numbers. 

To list some major examples:

  • Lost Wages: The wages or the earnings lost by the victim due to the accident is calculated by experts.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: Medical bills and injury recoveries are not fun at all. Therefore, the demand for compensation for the inability to engage in hobbies, activities, and everyday pleasures previously enjoyed is asked.

Evidence and Documentation

Not only in motorcycle accidents, but in settlement of any case, evidence and documentations play a significant role. Evidence alone can completely change the direction the case is currently driving in.

Suppose one of the parties are evidently drunk during the incident, it can cause a serious damage to the party. Moreover, certain documents like medical report, accident reports, photographic evidences, etc. are all analyzed by the justice at the court.

Everybody has the right to present their claims in front of the court. Be it any serious murder case or a motorcycle accident settlement suit. What changes the game is that whether you go for the right legal assistance or not. 

The whole process of motorcycle accident settlements involve too many legal complications. Therefore you need an assistance that do just the right thing in your lawsuit.

Feeling difficulties in finding the right service for your settlement lawsuit? Well, the wait is over. You can go for Sweet Lawyers and their service.


Jurisdiction is the area where the event happened. The settlement amount may vary depending on where the accident happened and where the claim is made. It further have different criteia:

  • Local Rules: The rules in each state pertaining to negligence, liability, and damages may differ and have an impact on your claim.
  • Jury Tendencies: Certain states have a reputation for favoring plaintiffs more than others, which may lead to larger settlements.

Final Words

If you are having a pending motorcycle accident claims, there are many factors that can influence the direction they are going in. This article covered several such factors. We hope you liked the article and find it informational.

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