A travel blogger’s life is often exciting—they combine the joyfulness of discovering new cultures with making a living from sharing their insights and tips with their followers. And what is the best way to talk about your journeys? Your personal destination blog.

Among all types of design, UI/UX plays a major role in web development, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for your readers. 

This article guides you through all the necessary aspects of managing a successful destination blog. Read on to discover topic ideas and design tips for your website.

9 Travel Blog Ideas You Can Try 

Before you learn the intricacies of creating an efficient travel website, consider what topics to cover. 

After all, traveling is too broad of a subject, and narrowing it down can be a good idea to find your target audience. 

Travel Blog Ideas

Here are nine travel blog ideas to consider: 

Destination Guides 

The world has roughly 3,800 unique cultures, making it quite a diverse planet. It can be a challenging task for your readers to decide which country to explore next. 

In a blog like this, it’s possible to offer valuable suggestions on accommodations, landmarks, and local cuisines for various countries. Create engaging content such as infographics, live video reviews, or handy checklists to assist travelers in their decision-making process.

Travel Itineraries

Most travelers struggle to find enough time to explore all the attractions in a given location; it’s often impossible to see everything on a single trip. To help with this issue, it’s possible to design efficient itineraries to make the most of a traveler’s time. 

For example, you can create detailed maps with carefully planned routes or offer guides highlighting memorable spots, such as architectural landmarks or natural wonders.

Budget Traveling 

It’s not always possible to save up for an expensive journey. But as a blogger, you can offer your readers valuable assistance. 

For example, create guides on traveling and discovering specific countries for just $100 or less. You can also highlight destinations where users can enjoy a luxurious experience on a tight budget.

Extreme Traveling

Embark on adventures like visiting remote tribes or conquering a dormant volcano. 

In the blog, you can showcase captivating photographs of diverse indigenous cultures, share fascinating insights about them, and vividly recount your experiences of living life on the edge.

Cultural Experiences

Rich cultural traditions captivate most travelers’ hearts. Mexico’s Day of the Dead or Japan’s tea ceremonies are not everyday experiences for people from other countries. To get better cultural experiences, you can travel to Tanzania’s hidden treasures and find diverse wildlife, vivid culture, and much more.

If you want to showcase this on your blog, consider creating videos that capture the essence of these festivals and educate the audience on the historical roots of various traditions. To engage the readers more effectively, employ storytelling as your blog writing style. 

General travel blogging stats and facts.

Subtitle: General Travel Blogging Stats and Facts.

Cuisines of the World

Would you be open to trying fried tarantulas or surströmming? Or perhaps you’d like to highlight the richness of national cuisines?

If so, this topic is for you. You can create videos showcasing how locals prepare dishes, share collected recipes, and delve into the history of the country’s ingredients.

Travel Challenges

People love to see bloggers tackle difficulties head-on. For example, you could take on a jet lag challenge by adjusting to different time zones for several weeks in a row. 

You also might try getting lost in a remote, uncharted location. These experiences would definitely add an exciting element to your blog.

Solo Traveling

Embarking on solo adventures might appear romantic, but in reality, it can be a complex challenge. Safety concerns, meticulous planning, and navigating language barriers without knowing the local slang are all part of the journey. 

Share this unique experience in your blog through videos by employing a video editor, including drone footage, and be sure to convey your emotions and sensations along the way.

Motor Home Traveling

People dream of having a home on wheels because it offers a mobile, yet cozy retreat. You can produce video content that provides an inside look at your vehicle and share exciting footage of your adventures on the road.

To make the marketing plan work well, it’s also necessary to understand your audience and provide them with relevant information. 

ThriveMyWay states that millennials are the largest readership segment for travel websites. 

Travel blogs account for 18% of all new blogs started in 2023.

How to Make Your Travel Blog Design Exceptional 

Travel Blog Design

The Nielsen Norman Group conducted research to find what influences the trustworthiness of websites. These key elements are high-quality design, transparent disclosure, thorough content, and backlinks. 

So, to build a travel website that consumers can trust, you should take care of user experience and interface.

Here are a few blog designing tips that could help with this: 

  • Use Animations—these can be simple interactions between users and the system itself, like hover button effects, slideshows, and smart scrolling. Or, you can develop more proficient animations, such as the parallax visual technique, where the background moves at a different pace from the foreground, creating an immersive experience.
  • Provide Interactive Maps—Point out already visited destinations visually, utilizing platforms like Google Maps, Maps Maker Pro, or MapSVG. Some solutions are fully customizable.
  • Implement Featured Destinations—Highlight journeys you’ve enjoyed the most. Create a separate section to describe what impressed you the most.
  • Add as Many Videos as Possible91% of consumers want to watch brand video content. This is also applicable for destination bloggers since they can add more dynamics and explain lots of details this way.
  • Experiment With Content Placement—To make your featured articles and videos the most viewed, try to place them in pop-ups and sidebars. Ensure the provided content is truly captivating and unique to attract more readers.
  • Try Virtual Reality Content—This can help your readers immerse in the journey and allow them to live through all incredible travel emotions and experiences with you.
  • Establish Interactive Quizzes and Polls for Readers— It can be a way to entertain your raiders and collect valuable statistics to create a marketing plan.

Also, don’t forget about general practices like consistency and adding a unique logo to a travel blog. This will allow you to establish brand awareness and boost recognition. 


Travel blogging is a field that resonates with many. 

But before jumping into the process of website development, it’s vital that you consider what narratives you want to present and how to build a blog design

After all, these elements can differentiate your website from many others. Refer to this article for tips and ideas on creating an outstanding travelogue.

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