We see QR codes pretty much everywhere these days, from businesses to your favorite payment platforms.
The use of QR codes has become a staple in the industry.
But, have you ever thought about why QR codes are so popular and at what point did they become the top pick for business marketers?
It all started when Apple had an update and overturned the masses’ opinion on QR codes.
A Quick Response (QR) Code is a digital key with a square pattern that helps consumers locate the desired page or services in one scan, boosting their marketing strategy using a QR code business card.
In this article, we will take a look at what QR codes are and how they can be used to boost your business’s marketing strategy.
QR codes are basically just a two-dimensional barcode that looks a bit different than the traditional barcode.
It was invented in 1994 by a Japanese car manufacturer to speed up and keep track of their assembly.
And to use a QR all you need to do is scan it and all the info that the code has will be displayed on your screen.
Plus, you do not even need to hold the code upright, you can scan a QR from any angle.
The QR Code allows you to insert over 4,000 text characters, URLs, phone numbers, and other information like geolocation, calendar information, and email addresses.
This means you can easily store a ton of information within one tiny code.
With increased innovations and consumer behavior, QR Code use is increasing by many companies on a universal level.
Businesses use quick response codes as a form of marketing tool to advertise their products and services, leading to brand awareness and reaching a wide range of audiences.
The above pie chart shows the QR codes that were used in different kinds of advertising and promotions and which ones received the most scans.
Marketers use QR codes to store the information, redirecting to links, songs, or menus, while digital scanners analyze the pixel’s pattern and translate it into digital information.
The uses of QR codes are too many to count and many industries use them for purposes like marketing, payments, event management, and much more.
Let’s take a look at some of the most significant benefits that QR codes hold for businesses.
These unique codes are used in the marketing industry pretty extensively and they have some unique features that help businesses carry out their day-to-day operations with ease.
Here are some ways to use this technology in your business and take it to new heights.
This image shows the percentage of US shoppers who are more than likely to use QR Codes for commerce, business, and entertainment.
You can use QR codes for product marketing by placing them at the bottom of flyers, brochures, or pamphlets to give customers some extra benefits or discounts.
You can also convert your contact info digitally and print your business cards with QR codes. This way, your clients need not dial your number.
They can simply scan your business card and your details will be shared with them.
It will allow ease of payment to customers and lead to quick transactions, eliminating the need to feed in long banking details for payments.
Excluding Japan, the United States has the highest QR code usage rate of any other country.
You can easily promote your social media channel or any event by integrating QR codes into the promotion methods.
This appealing method will generate more traffic to sites and improve your search engine rankings.
You can provide the QR Codes to the interested buyers and lead them to the check-out page instead of cramping the useless words on the flyers.
It will save customers time and offer quick transactions.
A digital business card can take your business to the advanced technology of the 21st century.
You can use a QR card generator and give it a professional look to leave a lasting impression on clients.
It offers various features to business owners and customers:
Good marketing requires you to be attentive and adaptable to even the smallest of changes in the market.
These unique and weird-looking square codes will give you the option to take your business and marketing efforts to the next level.
The potential strategies you can use with QR codes are many and with an increasing demand of customers, you can advertise your products in an eye-catching and unique way that your customers will appreciate
QR codes can be your key to marketing success and give you a unique point that sets you apart from competitors. Find a suitable QR code generator today and elevate your digital marketing tricks.