Alternative IDs have become a rising popularized option to have a secure digital presence. To stay safe from potential data breaches and cyber attacks, they have won the hearts of many with their effective solutions for online safety.

Whereas, the trust of people from traditional identity protection methods has been fading. Unfortunately, the traditional process stays a bit complex, yet is vulnerable to many data threats. So, alternate ID is emerging as a new revolution that can replace traditional identity protection methods in their own game.

Hence, we are composing this write-up to bring you detailed work on the question of whether alternate IDs hold enough potential to replace traditional identity protection methods or not.

So with that note, keep reading till the end. Also, learn about Best Alternatives To Wise Payment Solution by reading this article.

How Does the Traditional Identity Protection Method Work?

For a fact, you encounter traditional identity protection every once a month or a week. This method is as simple as providing some information such as driving license, govt. issued identity card, or something that can authenticate or prove your identity.

On their basis, a digital version of yourself is created, also known as “digital me” that can be accessed with the right information. Diving deeper, modern protection methods include passwords, usernames, biometrics like fingerprints, retina scans, and various other elements. 

This system is heavily used in areas such as KYC (know your customer) processes or similar. 

What’s Wrong With the Traditional Identity Protection Method?

Despite these many resources for identity authentication, there are still some disadvantages that come along with traditional identity protection methods.:

  • Centralized Data Storage System: Have you ever wondered where all this information is stored? Well, there are huge servers owned by big businesses where all the records are stored with crucial information. And since this information holds a significant value in the market, they become one of the first targets for hackers.
  • Single Point of Failure: Even if only a single aspect of the traditional identity protection system fails, it leads to a domino effect. In other words, compromise in any aspect of this infrastructure can make the whole server and information vulnerable to hackers.
  • Privacy Concerns: Since the entire data about a user is now stored in the company’s server, the user has to blindly show their faith in the company’s security system. There is no going back once the information is provided. Even if it includes necessary details like banking credentials.
  • Exhausting Process: The entire process needs a lot of information ranging from name, and date of birth, to photographs of yourself and your identity proofs (like driving license, passport, government issued documents, etc.). Uploading and verifying all these documents can be a tiring process which can make a user lose interest.

Are Alternative IDs a Solution to Traditional Identity Protection?

Traditional Identity Protection

As a modern outcome of such problems with traditional identity protection, alternative IDs are becoming popular among netizens. People are now opting for these IDs to create a fake persona of theirs online through an alternate ID, while keeping their real information private.

The concept of alternate ID is pretty impressive. As the name suggests, you are now eligible to get a unique identity with alternate information like a phone number or email address. In other words, if you are visiting a one-time website where log-in is required, you may use this alternative ID information to gain access instead of using your real information.

How Alternative IDs Might Be the Future?

Alternate IDs are becoming the stars of people’s eyes since they provide deserving advantages. From protection to privacy, everything becomes handy with alternative IDs:

  • Avoid Sharing Contact With Strangers: In many situations you are hesitant to share your contact number. So, instead of sharing your real contact number, you can give them your alternate number without even a single thought.
  • No Spam Calls and Messages: The moment you share your contact number on some store, service, or a random website, your call logs and message inbox are then filled with spam contacts. Alternate ID keeps you away from such scenarios as well. Just use your generated contact information and stay away from spam.
  • Avoid Giving Info on Shady Sites: Many websites seem untrustworthy or shady at first look. In such scenarios as well, you can share your alternative number to keep your real private contact untouched.

According to various data over the web, 81% of organizations were affected by ransomware at least once in 2023 (Spycloud).

Final Words

Ultimately, it does seem like alternate ID holds the potential to be a technological marvel that can be used to protect your data from spam calls and data threats. Traditional identity protection methods now have their own vulnerabilities. With that note, spread the word among your friends and family as well to build a safer digital family.

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