Automation has emerged as the driving factor for tech in the future. By automating the repetitive or recurring tests, firms are now saving much more on time, and investing that on their core activities. 

Thankfully, all businesses, irrespective of their sectors, are now implementing automation in almost every area possible. Be it an IT firm or a commercial corporation, automation is everywhere.

Likewise, cloud dev tools have also been riding the same boat for running their common test cases. To test software swiftly and with reduced human errors, it becomes extra essential to have a test automation platform alongside. These tests cannot be further expected to require human interventions. So, to update you more about the subject, this write-up will dive into its core details.

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Factors Contributing to Successful Implementation

Planning to implement automation alone is not enough. You need to research and point out several factors that influence a successful implementation. So, we eased your work off to tell you these factors for effective management of test data:

  • Skilled and Capable Team: Recruiting authentic talent for your plans is the primary need. Such a capable team includes world-class engineers, architects, developers, leaders, and some other necessary staff. Further, as a leader, you must ensure that the team is fully aware of your goals and what you expect. Also, the plan must be divided into segments of short-term and long-term goals.
  • Seeking for the Right Tools: Having a strong infrastructure is a no-brainer. Focus on identifying your needs and find a program that can fit those needs well. However, finding the right tools has its own list of factors. They include investments, testing requirements, collaborations, reviews, free trials, etc. With this strategy, the chances of landing on the perfect tool are high.
  • Testing Your Automation Framework: Before implementing the automated software testing framework, you should check if the framework itself is capable of testing various software programs. There are different types of frameworks, (linear automation framework, modular-based testing framework, library architecture testing framework, data-driven, keyword-based, or hybrid testing framework) that share their own specialization and work ethics.
graph shows leading test management tools

Since we are discussing basics of software testing, this graph shows some leading test management tools that you must be aware of.

Factors Hindering Implementation Success

Along with identifying the necessities, it is also noteworthy to look out for factors that can challenge a successful implementation. For that, consider reading the section with full caution:

  • Setting Realistic Expectations: Being one of the primary contributing factors for successful implementation, setting expectations can be a challenge as well. You need to understand that automation is just a mere tool that helps you save time on repetitive tasks by taking charge of such activities. However, in areas where logical, thought-provoking, or problem-solving skills are needed, manual interference is still needed.
  • Irresponsive Testing Infrastructure: If you are aware of the basics of software testing, you must know about the requirements of various environments such as dev, staging, and production, to mimic the real-life conditions. Requirements like these are all required in an infrastructure to ensure that the whole testing process is going well without any problems. Discussing further, you can try leveraging cloud-based solutions, containerizing technologies, testing automation frameworks, etc. can help with the issue.
  • Finding the Required Skills: Out of the pool filled with job seekers, finding the right talent is not an easy task. Coming straight to the point, you need to seek a different skill set in a candidate that includes coding, understanding of how testing software works, Page Object Model (POM), data-driven testing, and API testing. As a solution, you can try providing technical training to the candidates that may help throughout the course, suitable for automation testing. Along with that, reskilling testers, hiring expertise at initial stages, or building a hybrid team may also help. 

Best Practices for Successful Implementation

Moving on, now it’s the time when we tell you about some best practices or tips for a successful automation implementation:

  • Implement Data-Driven Testing: By data-driven testing, we mean to consider external options such as databases or files to store your data. Not only does it keep your data safe, but it also allows you to manage and organize the data.
  • Embrace Continuous Integration (CI): Continuous integration takes the responsibility of tests being implemented with each code change or build. You can monitor their results and plan your functions accordingly.
  • Test Maintenance: Maintenance of your tests includes regularly keeping a check on all the tests being run on the software. Just like how you maintain your assets, your tests also need to be monitored and evolve according to the trends.


Finally, automation is playing a key role in evolving the software testing market. This article covered all those necessary elements that you need to know when deciding to implement automation. If you find this article helpful in any way possible, our work is done here. Also, consider sharing it with your team, colleagues, or teammates.

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