Eco-friendly weddings are a hot topic among newlyweds, and it is a good idea. With a better understanding among the couple, everything becomes clear and sustainable. 

On average, a wedding produces 63 tons of carbon dioxide and 400 pounds (181.44 kg) of waste. Yes, just one night of celebration may cost heavily on the environment. Thankfully, there are services like Pensacola Waste Disposal Solutions that understand the depth of the issue.

However, it’s the couples’ duty as well to make their efforts toward an eco-friendly wedding event. To become one of those self-aware couples who care about the planet they live on, follow the article till the end for some tips. Also, learn about Wide World of Perfect Wedding Bouquet Flowers by reading this article.

Top Tips for Having an Eco-Friendly Wedding

Please note, that it does not matter how expensive your budget is, the only thing that matters is that you made a move towards a better tomorrow. Brainstorming together on your wedding planning may also strengthen the bond for the future.

So, read the tips below and take a sustainable step towards your bright future:

Ditch Traditional Invitation Cards

A majority of people are now fortunately aware of the environmental damage while paper manufacturing. So, e-invitations are the new cool. Graphic designers and various businesses that deal in wedding invitations provide their service in making a beautiful e-invitation for you. 

If you are not a big fan of them, you may opt for eco-friendly recycled paper. Yes, businesses are aware of the recent trend of environment-friendly weddings, so they also deal in recycled paper to print invitations on. 

Go for Clean Meals

Clean meals do not only mean being prepared in a tidy environment but also environmentally clean. An environmentally clean meal involves as low a carbon footprint as possible. The fact that food is one of the basic elements that may make or break the whole experience, it needs to be a well-thought decision. 

If you are not okay with the all-vegan menu, you may opt for a vegetarian or non-vegetarian menu. However, avoiding meat is still advised. 

food carbon footprint calculator

To help you plan a clean menu, you may start by embracing local supplies. For instance, local produce need not be transported to miles-far places. Likewise, embracing local production and shopping may reduce unnecessary carbon emissions and lead to an eco-friendly menu.

Add Charity Registry

If you feel secure with what material things you currently have, you may opt for a charity registry. There is no point in getting cars as a gift if you already own 2 at home, or a luxury watch if you already have 2 or 3 dress watches.

Instead, this money can be donated to various charity networks that will use that fund for a cause. If an average amount of gift costs around $150 to $200, your wedding charity collectively can easily be totaled down to $5000 to $7000, depending on the number of attendees

Reduce or Reuse Decorations

A wedding is a one-time celebration for a majority of couples. Hence, there is no point in purchasing all the stuff for just a night. Decorations like flowers, garlands, sequin walls, etc. collectively make up a huge pile of waste in the dustbin.

Instead, all these decorations can be reused by the decoration businesses. Using natural decor is also applaudable. Pots and paper utensils for food, flowers & leaves at the entrance, etc. can set a natural vibe. And once the event is done, this stuff can be given out for compost, biogas, decomposition, etc. 

Having a planned decoration and rooster can significantly help in managing waste and sustainable events. 

Rent Out Dresses and Eco-Friendly Venue

An average wedding dress costs around $1500 to $2000, whereas a wedding tuxedo can cost around $500. Here again, since the wedding is a one-time event, these dresses or tuxedos are not worn for more than one time, unless the couple’s children want to wear them in the future. Hence, there is again no point in investing such a huge amount in them.

Instead, renting out a dress and tux is a much better option. It surely costs you less and is a more environmentally friendly option. After dresses, the venue needs to be addressed as well. Choose a site that follows the idea of a green and clean environment. Plan your wedding in an open natural light to save electricity. 

Or if you like indoor settings, ensure that the venue abides by the LEED, Leadership in Energy, and Environmental Design.

Final Words

This wedding season, try to be a couple that takes a step forward to make this world a greener place. Follow a clean environmentally friendly menu, go for a charity registry, and whatnot. This article covered all those tips. If you like this write-up, share it with your friends and family as well to inspire them.

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