“It truly takes a village to raise kiddos, whether it’s your blood family or chosen family.” 

-Jessica Alba about her nanny

It isn’t easy being a parent. And finding time to nurture and nourish your baby is tough. I found this the hard way when I first got pregnant. I had taken a maternity leave from the office and I knew that Jeff, my husband, and the family would be there to help me through this difficult time. 

However, we soon had a reality check when managing our daily schedule became difficult. We applied to the Sydney Au Pair program and decided to host a nanny as soon as possible. From my experience, I can tell you that it’s difficult to find a perfect nanny, but not impossible. 

A qualified and experienced au pair can multitask, be meticulous, and supervise a child with daily activities expertly. Here I share how to navigate through finding the perfect nanny for your child by screening, defining job criteria, setting a trial, and more. 

Why Is the Process of Screening so Important?

Before hiring a nanny, or conducting an interview, it is important to know about their background, perspectives on life, compatibility, and experience. These standards make a lot of difference as they influence your child’s early development stages. 

Other reasons that the process of screening for a nanny is important are: 

  • Child’s Safety: Babies convey their emotions through actions like crying or smiling. The comfort or discomfort of a child can be best understood when they feel completely safe with a person. A screening helps understand a nanny’s personality and if they are the right fit for your child. 
  • Background Police and Medical checks: Researching online about an au pair’s background can be difficult for parents. Either they rely on confirming from past clients or references from past families. Therefore, hiring a nanny from an agency that does police verification and medical checks simplifies the process. 
  • Experienced and Trustworthy: An au pair for your toddler should make the baby feel physically and emotionally comfortable. For a growing boy or girl, the qualities of a nanny are discipline and compassion.  An experienced nanny should be able to understand these differences. 
  • Compatibility: Plus, the caregiver should fit into a family’s lifestyle easily. It means adjusting to a modern or traditional way of living as per the couple’s requirements.         

When employing a nanny, you may need to consider public liability insurance, domestic worker’s compensation insurance, and car insurance. 

Beginning With Well-defined Job Criteria

Hiring a nanny simplifies many tasks such as managing the child’s sleep time, meals, and also participation in playtime, and more.  However, all this work requires multitasking skills as well as a caring personality. 

Defining job criteria improves the chances of finding a nanny who can adjust to your family quickly and easily.  

Fundamental Responsibilities of Nannies

The graph shows the fundamental responsibilities of nannies expected to perform regularly.

Just like any other job, the CV of an au pair clearly defines their experience in performing several responsibilities. The qualities to look for in a perfect nanny are:

  • Reliability 
  • Punctuality
  • Calm Demeanor
  • Compassion
  • Strong Communication Skills
  • First-Aid and CPR certifications
  • Experience
  • Adaptability
  • Creativity and Enthusiasm 
  • Positive Attitude
  • Shared Values 

The list may seem quite extensive for a professional job, however, these qualities work only when it’s part of their inherent personality. Therefore, it’s advisable that after checking the resume, parents should definitely conduct a screening to understand if they are the right fit for the family. 

Apply to Au Pair Programmes

In Sydney, Australia, the work dynamics have changed considerably. Younger people such as entrepreneurs and those who have start-ups are focused more on their careers. 

This trend has significantly impacted relationships and people with children. When a couple has a child, their responsibilities also increase. Therefore, they apply for Sydney’s Au Pair program. 

Here are the steps for applying to an au pair agency:

  • Step 1. Research online for reputable au pair programs that comply with legal regulations and cultural nuances. 
  • Step 2. Check necessary documents, obtain references from previous employers, and assess their qualifications and medical certificates.
  • Step 3. Complete the application form provided by the agency by providing your personal details. Specify your preferences so that they can cross-check and find a suitable au pair. 
  • Step 4. Prepare interview questions and conduct in-person screening or video call.   
  • Step 5. Invite them to a family gathering to understand their compatibility with the child. 
  • Step 6. Inform the agency about your family’s lifestyle and daily schedule to check if it’s compatible with the chosen caregiver. 
  • Step 7. Confirm all details along with the stipend to finalize the process. 
Welcoming Your Au Pair

Talk at Great Length

Moving to a host family may be tough for the au pair. Therefore, discussing the family values and schedules in detail before moving is recommended. It also helps create a deeper bond between the parents and the nanny. 

Talk through not just their past employers, but also their experience in handling childcare responsibilities. Ideally, it is tough for the child as well as the nanny to get comfortable spending time together. 

However, conversing about similar family and cultural values can ease the tension. The au pair can get familiar with Sidney’s popular tourist spots, which are also ideal for the child.  Familiarizing with some common terms and slang and commuting options will also make the caregiver adjust to the new environment. 

Set a Trial’s Length

For a newly trained au pair, a new way of living comes with many challenges, including the duration of the stay. Therefore, before signing the final agreement, the length of the trial should be confirmed. 

It depends on the future plans of the nanny and what they want to pursue while living with the hosts. The au pair agencies can help the parents and the nanny make an informed decision for a comfortable stay. 

The exchange program depends on the type of visa which could vary from 6 to 12 months. It also requires the permission of the immigration secretary or by signing Form 1445. 

Respect Your Natural Emotions

As a parent, your lifestyle may change by hosting an au pair. It means more than just hiring a nanny for your child and shouldering the responsibilities. Your kid will also take time to bond with them, building a positive growth environment. 

From screening to defining job criteria, applying to au pair programmes, and setting a trial length, will help in your search for hosting an au pair. However, in the end, your gut feeling will guide you to choose the person who is there for your children as they grow into independent adults.  We hope finding the perfect nanny in Sydney, Australia will become easier by following the steps suggested in this article.

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