Phones Be Allowed in School

Cell phones, tablets, and laptops are all necessary for students nowadays.  Irrespective of the subject or the domain you are studying, technology can never be ignored. Whereas when it comes to schools, mobile phones are generally considered prohibited. However, in the past few years, things have changed.

Tech pieces like tablets, laptops, and mobile phones are embraced. Why the change? Or what are the new scenarios in which these devices are embraced?

Find out the answers to all these questions in this article. 

Why Kids Should Have Phones In School?

Without any doubt, education has to keep up with the latest technologies and modern practices. That is why, the following are the points that may justify why students must have a phone at school:

  • Emergency Preparedness: Unfortunately, in schools, the chances of any mishappening in uncertain situations are pretty common. There has always been danger of sudden medical emergencies, or school shootings. In such cases, having a mobile phone handy can be a great thing to instantly contact hospitals or police.
  • Educational Tools: Modern education relies on resources and references to broaden the points of view of the students. This can only be done if they have access to a huge pool of information that is not limited to books. Fortunately, that is possible with the help of the internet. 
  • Communication with Parents: in any situation when a student is feeling sick or unwell, their parents are their key support. And that is why, having a device handy that can connect them with their parents would be extremely helpful.

And Why Shouldn’t They?

Despite the fact that how miraculous it can be for students to have a mobile phone, tab, or laptop handy, they still come with some disadvantages. Here are some of them listed below:

  • Distractions: This is the primary concern whenever the subject is raised. No doubt that the internet shares a huge library of resources, but it can be a massive distraction too. Social media, messaging, etc. may all affect the decorum of the class. 
  • Cyberbullying: Cell phones in schools may also lead to an increase in the cases of cyberbullying. The graph below can show you the image of the concern.
types of cyberbullying in the USA
  • Addiction: Mobile phones are highly addictive. The sudden rush of dopamine through social media or gaming causes students to become aficionados in using their smartphones, hence, affecting their studies. 

How to Meet Them Half-Way?

Cell phones in school share their both boon and bane. What’s the solution, then? They have to meet halfway to stay away from any such situation:

  • Designated Phone Zones: There can be separate phone zones where students can submit their phones. It can be in a class, near the teacher’s desk, or anywhere else. Mobile phones can only be accessed when there is no class or if approved by the teacher. 
  • Educational App Integration: School campuses can dedicate some particular apps or programs that must be integrated into student’s mobile phones. To access some resources or the internet, they can use these app platforms. 
  • Digital Citizenship Curriculum: To keep up with the fast-paced world, the curriculum needs to be updated. Hence, a digital citizenship curriculum is necessary. 

Take it Easy with Parentaler

Parentaler emerges as the one-stop solution for all such situations. It can control actions such as how to stop kid from deleting text messages, or accessing their kid’s locations, and many more. Some more of its features are listed below:

  • Social Media Monitoring: The app can monitor your child’s activities on social media. It can restrain certain actions or accounts that are somehow inappropriate to your offspring. 
  • Cyberbullying Detection: Since Parentaler in a way scans the whole mobile phone, it can keep your child away from any kind of cyberbullying. Also, to further maintain their cybersecurity, Parentaler can point out some files or programs that might be suspicious. 
  • Content Filtering: All inappropriate or explicit content will be blocked on the mobile phone. Content filtering is a feature that is a must-have to block such type of content, especially on your child’s mobile phone. 
  • Geofencing: As the name suggests, geofencing in a way is establishing a virtual boundary over an area for your kid as a limit. If the device crosses that limit, the Parentaler informs the parent phone with a notification.
  • App Store Restrictions: App Store or Play Store thrive on user’s personal data. However, this data may require some personal information about your child. So, Parentaler restricts these permissions from the stores to ensure their privacy.


Ans: No, Parentaler cannot be installed in the kid’s cell phone remotely.

Ans: You can monitor any device as long as they run on iOS or Android OS.

Ans: You just need a smartphone or a tablet that has an active internet connection.


Finally, mobile phones in school are both a boom and a bane for students. However, by establishing proper guidelines or controlling the limits of their usage, things can get manageable. Also, when it comes to parents, it would be advisable to them to install Parentaler in their kid’s mobile phones. Parentaler brings some extensive parental control features along.

Also Read: Ways to Inspire Students

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