
Spotify playlist curator leaves an amazing opportunity for listeners to shine bright with their exceptional music taste. So, following the principle of “sharing is caring”, Spotify curators and listeners are helping to build a strong community of melophiles.

But making and promoting your playlist is not that simple. The efforts made behind the making of these playlists are completely justified by the potential it holds in getting viral. 

So, let us dive deeper into its dynamics and guide you on how to curate a kiss-worthy Spotify playlist. Also, learn about Spotify Blames Apple for Quitting the Volume Controller by reading this article.

5-Step Guide for Becoming a Spotify Curator

The following are some steps that can help you become one of the Spotify curators and create a fabulous Spotify playlist. Implementing these steps is necessary, while you may add some changes that favor you for better personalization:

Set the Style and Mood

The entire process of playlist curation starts from your mind. Think of yourself as a listener — what kind of music would you like to listen to in a particular mood? It can be a happy mood, sad, sorrowful, emotional, romantic, or anything else. Hence, you must give your playlist an identity for a particular mood.

Secondly, consistency and diversity should be followed across the playlist. By “consistency and diversity”, we mean to stay consistent with the theme and mood, yet, add a diverse range of artists, songs, and beats, to hook the listener. 

Spice Up to Avoid Monotony

This may sound contradictory to the previous point of maintaining consistency, but actually, it’s not. “Spicing up” means mixing different feels or vibes to your playlist. 

For instance, you can add songs that follow different tempos, beat patterns, or BGM to always create suspense for the next song. You can follow the pattern of adding a fast-paced song after two slow-paced songs, or vice versa.

Nothing can be a better way to maintain the genre and niche of the playlist, while also creating suspense.

Length and Duration of the Playlist

The entire foundation of adding success into themed playlists is how much time you can engage a listener to it. Let’s say, in the case of a party playlist, a song needs to be refreshed according to the changing trends in TikTok or IG. So, you need to change the collection of these songs regularly once or twice a month, according to the ongoing trend.

Similarly, your playlist must not contain more than 80 songs. The more concise and crisp it is, the more attention each song will get. You may compare the idea of listening to a 40-50 minute album or a 2-hour album. 

music streaming subscribers

As you can see, the number of music streaming subscribers is always rising with time. It means that the sector holds too much potential if everything is done right. However, it still needs to be considered that the motto of your playlist must be to share the joy of listening to music with others, rather than earning money from it.

Create an Appealing Cover Art

Your playlist’s cover art will make the first impression in anybody’s mind, or maybe it can sustain this impression till the last. This is why, creating an appealing visual art is important.

Giving emphasis on the following points can be a great idea to start with creating your cover art:

  • It should follow the theme and genre of your playlist. Adding some metal-inspired visuals to romantic themed playlists might be a bad idea, if not the worst. Hence, we suggest you understand the nature of your playlist.
  • Using high-resolution or premium-quality images is the next big thing you must focus on. It does not mean that the image must not be blurry or glitched. It all depends on your creativity and the idea of the art. But, it means that the pixel count and other features of the image must be top-notch.
  • Do not use the Spotify logo in any of your cover art, since, it can make people think that it’s originally made by Spotify. This can leave a serious setback to your playlist, and you may also get blocked from the platform. Hence, emphasizes a unique and authentic idea. 

According to SoundCampaign, “Curators earn between $1 and $14 per song review, depending on their level.” 

Promoting & Advertising the Playlist

Now that you have understood the dynamics of how to shape or build your own playlist, you share it with your friends. Make them listen to your collection of bangers and ask for their reviews.

Speaking of promotion and advertisements, you may anytime share your playlists on social media platforms. Thanks to their extensive reach, there is no limit to your promotions. For instance, to promote your playlist over IG, you can go for Meta ads. Whereas, Google Ads can be a great option to promote your playlist on Google’s platform such as its SERPs or YouTube.

As a blessing in disguise, both Google and Meta ads come with their unique algorithm for targeting people with similar interests. So, half of your total brainstorming can easily be avoided. 

Final Words

If you love music, being a Spotify curator can be the best thing for you. So, follow the above-mentioned steps to create your unique compilation of songs. Also, it can pay you well if your collection performs well on the platform. Share this article with your friends as well.

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