So you just lost a tooth. What’s next?

While the teeth that are gone are not coming back or growing teeth again is an easy thing, you still have the chance to save the remaining ones. Dental health is as much important as your allover body’s well-being. 

Dental health

A well-maintained dental health not only enhances the appearance of the person but also the quality of life in many aspects. So, this blog is dedicated to how you can take good care of your mouth, teeth, and gums. We have got some suggestions, keep reading to know them!

Retrieve the Tooth

If the tooth has been completely knocked out, try to locate it immediately. Hold it by the crown (the part visible in the mouth) and avoid touching the root.

Gently rinse the tooth with water if it’s dirty, but do not scrub or remove any attached tissue fragments. Preserve the tooth in a container of milk, saline solution, or saliva. This will keep it moist while you seek dental help.

Control Bleeding

Retrieve the Tooth

There can be several reasons why your gums bleed, such as hormonal fluctuations, vitamin deficiencies, stress, or using a hard toothbrush as well. While to stop the bleeding, you can apply gentle pressure to the area using a clean piece of cloth. 

Rinse your Mouth

Rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater after the bleeding is paused. Saltwater will clean the area, eliminate the risk of infection, and also reduce discomfort. 

Rinse your Mouth

Since saltwater increases the -pH balance inside the mouth, building a more alkaline oral environment in which bacteria becomes unable to flourish, hence the mouth becomes less inflamed and more healthy.  

You can create it by mixing a half-teaspoon slat with a small glass of lukewarm water, keeping the water in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spitting it out. 

Manage Pain and Swelling

If a case of unbearable pain or swelling, you can apply a cold compressed ice pack on the affected area. It will help in the reduction of swelling and inflammation and ultimately ease pain. You can also consult a dentist and recommended painkillers or other related medicines. 

Contact your Dentist

If the gum bleeding has happened to you several times before, it is essential to contact a dentist and provide them with all your dental medical history and necessary details. 

Follow Dental Advice

Your dentist will determine the best treatment plan based on your specific situation. They may attempt to re-implant the tooth if it’s viable. Visit The Point Dental if you are interested in dental implants.

 Dental Advice

They may also recommend alternative solutions such as a dental implant, bridge, or denture. Click here for more information on your tooth replacement options.

Follow their instructions and attend all scheduled appointments. This will ensure optimal oral health outcomes.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

While waiting for your dental appointment, continue to practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth, avoiding the area of the lost tooth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

Be cautious when flossing around the adjacent teeth. Also, avoid putting excessive pressure on the space.

Achieving good oral health takes a lifetime of care. By following some adding some habits in your daily routine, you can attain it. 

  • Never go to bed without brushing at night. It helps in getting rid of plaque and germs assembled throughout the day. 
  • Not just brushing, but correctly brushing is the most important. Take your time, move the brush in a circular motion, be gentle, and make sure no area is left.
  • While brushing, don’t forget to clean your tongue. As your tongue contains more bacteria than the teeth, and also is a reason for mouth odor. 
  • Flossing is equally important as brushing them. It helps in getting micro pieces of food that get stuck between teeth. 
  • You can consider using a mouthwash to make good care of your mouth and for fresh breath too. 

Visit your Dentist Today if you Have Lost a Tooth

Losing a tooth is only bad for your smile, but also for your oral well-being too. An empty socket in the gums can cause infections and can damage the other teeth near it. So, it is always important to prioritize your dental health and take the right care of your mouth. 

In case, your gums are starting to damage, following the right measures at the right time can prevent further loss and complications. And for in-depth guidance about your concerns, it is good to opt for a dentist. 

For more such informative pieces, keep exploring our page!

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