In today’s world, the working environment is a dynamic one where your health is as important as productivity at work. Undoubtedly, this sudden shift has occurred because the workers often sit in a bad position for a long time without moving around. The entire setup of the desk as well does not help with the musculoskeletal system’s well-being.

A research article published on 31 July 2017 by the National Library of Medicine on the adverse effects of prolonged sitting behavior on the general health of office workers raised several eyebrows. It concluded that increased blood sugar levels, obesity, coronary heart diseases, types of cancer, and even premature death are some risk factors for this sedentary behavior.

This was why the concept and evolution of Sit-Stand Desks and productivity apps were introduced worldwide! Want to know more about them? Then worry not, this article has got you covered!

The Concept Of The Sit-Stand Desk & Its Setup

sit-stand desk setup

Desks that are capable of letting an individual make height adjustments are known as the sit-stand desk. These workstations enable individuals to incorporate movement into their workdays and make individualistic adjustments by providing an alternative to standing or sitting at their convenience within the work time frame. 

Numerous studies published by the National Library of Medicine have highlighted the relationship between the introduction of sit-stand desks and negative effects reduction, which increased productivity as well as improved the overall health of the employees.

Provided below is a brief outline to focus on while setting up a sit stand desk frame:

desk adjustment while standing
desk adjustment while sitting
  • Light Exposure
  • Monitor Height
  • Desk Height
  • A Comfortable Chair 
the origin of a standing des

Did You Know?Although it is hard to pinpoint the inventor of the standing desk, the oldest record of a standing desk dates back to the 1400s, which belonged to the world-renowned painter, Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa)! This was the inspiration for the desks to evolve into sit-stand desks.

Digital workers must integrate regular movements into their regular working hours as well. Studies have indicated that you can increase your:

  • Focus
  • Clarity Of Vision
  • Brainpower
  • Energy Levels
  • Prolonged Mental Performance
  •  Faster Learning 

Thus, contributing to high productivity levels of a worker.

The Idea Of Productivity Apps

productivity apps

An application designed to boost the effectiveness of a group or an individual is called a productivity app. You can use it to make checklists, to-do lists, note-making spaces, in-task comments, deadline reminders, and positive affirmations.

When choosing one, several factors that could be beneficial in streamlining the workflow should be considered. Some of them are as follows:

  • Graphic Interface
  • Task Management Capacity
  • Control Automation
  • Customization Flexibility
  • Mutually Beneficial Features
  • Analytics

In this manner, not only are benefitting in terms of workflow but also health (mental & physical). 

 total revenue in the productivity apps market

Fun Fact!
The growth in the total revenue in the productivity apps market is expected to continue at an annual rate of 9.30% (CAGR 2022-2027), resulting in a projected market volume of US$8.50 billion by 2027!

Benefits Of Using A Sit-Stand Desk & Productivity Apps

sit-stand desk in a workplace

Both factors, sit-stand desks, and productivity apps have their benefits. So firstly, presented below are the highlights of using the sit-stand desk:

Contributes to Physical Health

Using these kinds of desks can help in improving the physical health of the individual. It can decrease the chances of blood sugar level spikes, coronary heart diseases, as well as musculoskeletal issues. This makes it easier to get rid of the discomforts such as lower back pains and neck pains as well.

It encourages improving the correct postures to promote spine alignment.

Maximizes Productivity


Having the alternatives of standing up or sitting can make a noticeable impact on your mood (positive) and energy levels (enhanced). This in turn helps in reducing fatigue and stress-oriented emotions, making the workspace much more positive. 

Now that you have learned about the benefits of utilizing the sit-stand desks, let us get ahead with the advantages of using the productivity apps:

Improved Communication & Collaboration


Such apps provide employees with several collaborative options that allow them to manage their projects as well as communicate through various mediums, helping to promote teamwork.

These features include adding comments, group messaging, virtual workspaces, real-time editing as well as file sharing. 

Enhancing Time Management

time management

Several applications have collaborative features that allow you to add timers, reminders, and meetings on the calendar to organize & manage the workspace. Such options have made today’s world way more interconnected than it initially was.

This allows you to schedule and allocate the work assigned & completed to optimize the workflow without being distracted or confused.

Cultivates Healthy Habits

Apps are now much more progressive since they are concerned with the user’s well-being along with their workflow and productivity. They have established a crucial in creating a healthy routine for the employees which is easy to follow and maintain.

It provides daily nutritional and fitness goals that can easily be tracked. By taking small steps, every time can easily be tracked over time.

Streamline Task Management

task management

Old-fashioned methods of writing to-do lists on sticky notes to recheck them time & again can be tedious, frustrating, and disorganized. It could lead to chaos and become a time-consuming process without being much of a help. 

This is where the productivity apps offer more organized and simple solutions with easy-to-use interfaces. It also offers the option to track the progress through analytics.

Promote Mental Wellness

mental health

Living in the age of ever-accelerating pace costs one’s mental well-being over productivity. Keeping your mental health in mind, several applications have been developed to promote self-care and productivity. Incorporating them into daily life can improve physical health, creativity, focus, and much more.

They offer positive affirmations, breathing exercises, water intake reminders, break reminders, relaxation, and coping techniques.

Final Inputs

With a 15% increase in mortality rates worldwide due to prolonged sitting hours at workplaces, the industry now prioritizes the health of their employees’ health as much as their work productivity. 

The recent development of sit-stand desks and productivity apps has proven the symbiotic relationship that’s present between the two, including the overall well-being of the workers. It also helps reduce the risks of cancer, mental health issues, & premature deaths and increases work efficiency. So what are you waiting for? Give it a go!

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