Instagram in 2024

It’s 2024 and our lives pretty much revolve around social media these days.

These platforms give us a way to connect with loved ones, exchange content, and express ourselves in our own weird ways.

But while it might look shiny on the surface, social media has its dark sides too.

There are a whole load of people on these platforms who would do more harm than good. 

From fake accounts and scammers to hackers, you can find a whole load of bad people here too.

So, how exactly do you stay safe?

In this blog post, we will take a look at some strategies and tips that can help you protect yourself and stay safe on social media sites like Instagram.

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Change Your Password Regularly

Passwords are the first thing that any hacker would want to crack.

This is why it’s important to regularly maintain and modify your Instagram password. 

Make your password a safe, lengthy collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that is challenging to decipher. 

You know, having 123, your DOB, or your name is a pretty easy password to guess.

You need to use different passwords for different accounts.

Why, you ask?

Because if one of your accounts gets hacked, the hacker can easily gain access to your other accounts.

Data breaches are more common now than ever before.

So, by changing your account passwords often, you can keep your account safe. 

It’s common practice to use the same password across many accounts, but it’s preferable to use different passwords for each. 

Besides, if you buy Instagram likes or followers, make sure that the shopping website is protected by the HTTPS protocol. 

This gives you an extra layer of safety and protects your data from unauthorized access.

Be Cautious About What You Post

You don’t know what kind of person will be able to see your posts, so be mindful of what you post on Instagram, especially if your account is public.

Even if you believe something to be secret, everything on the internet is public and searchable. 

So, before you go posting anything, just ask yourself this: Would it really be alright if everyone saw this?

Besides, simply deleting your posts does not make them disappear from the internet.

If someone has screenshotted or saved that post, it can appear again.

This is why you need to think twice before you push that “Post” button.

Instagram shares 79% of a user’s data with others online, including browsing history and personal information. This includes information about content creation, DMs (sent and received), transactions made within the app, and much more.

Be Smart About Your Profile Information

Displaying your phone number or your home address publicly on your Instagram is like asking to be doxxed.

People with bad intentions can easily look at this information and use it to do things like steal your identity, leak your banking info, stalk you, or much worse.

So, be cautious about what you publish on Instagram because it will remain there permanently unless you decide to erase it. 

Besides, the more visible your profile is, the easier it is for scammers and fraudsters to target you.

Choose Carefully Who You Follow

Hey, in 2024, it is hard to tell if the other person DMing you wants to scam you or have a genuine conversation with you.

You need to keep an eye out for users who post shady stuff and have an imbalanced number of followers. 

Avoid following them if you’re unsure; it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

The importance of adhering to this guideline increases if you are an influencer.

Secure Your Profile

Let’s face it: When using social media, cybersecurity isn’t something that frequently comes to mind. 

But you must make sure your Instagram account and profile are as safe as possible. 

Turn on two-factor authentication and use a strong password containing special characters and numbers to do this. 

Additionally, it’s advised to often check Instagram’s privacy settings and consider who may see your posts or stories. Additionally, stay away from connecting your other social media accounts to Instagram if those platforms already demand passwords.

Don’t Accept Requests from Strangers

One of the most basic rules of Instagram etiquette today is to not simply accept friend requests or message requests from unknown accounts.

People don’t always have the best of intentions when contacting you from shady accounts.

So, ignore any DM requests unless you know the person personally

And if you ever agree to something, make sure to take the required safety measures so you can defend yourself if something goes wrong.

Delete Negative/ Spammy /Hate Comments

You often see shady, robotic, or spammy comments pop up as soon as you post something.

You need to delete these kinds of comments right away.

Also, avoid responding or engaging with the commenter since doing so could just encourage them to continue. 

Use Instagram’s blocking option if someone harasses you repeatedly and leaves inappropriate comments on your posts to keep yourself and other users safe. 

You may always report someone who breaches the Instagram community guidelines, which forbid any hostile or bullying behavior.

Check Your Privacy Settings

To guarantee that only people with permission may see your material, frequently check your privacy settings. 

When it comes to privacy, there are a lot of options: postings may be made public, viewable just to followers, or kept private and shared exclusively with particular people. 

From the settings page, you can also modify the visibility of tags and narrative highlights. 

You can keep your data secure on Instagram in 2024 by following these steps to manage who has access to it. 

Be Wary of Third-Party Apps

Influencers frequently utilize third-party apps to boost their interaction on Instagram, but it’s important to take caution while doing so. 

Any programs you use should be looked at to make sure they don’t have access to your account. 

Just keep in mind that if you connect your account with a third-party service provider, such as Google or Facebook, it may keep your password and other personal information for use in the future.

Keep Track of Apps That Have Access to Your Account

Make sure to always check if any applications have access to your social media accounts because many of them interact with them. 

Examine the access settings for each app and revoke those you no longer require.

More than 40% of social media users are estimated to have experienced some form of social engineering or phishing attack


In conclusion, using the aforementioned techniques can help keep you secure on Instagram in 2024. 

Monitoring programs and their access, using two-factor authentication, protecting your personal information, and blocking or reporting suspicious activity.

Being cautious of the material you share online and establishing your identity using valid identification are all important precautions to take. 

You can use Instagram securely and safely by following these steps! 

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