Snap Score is an exclusive feature that sets Snapchat apart from other leading social forums. People are keenly interested in increasing their scores, so they engage in chats with the hope that it will somehow help their scores go up.

But does your Snap score increase with chats? 

In reality, your Snap score remains unaffected by chats. So if you also have misconceptions about how Snap Score works, this article will clear the air about them and help you understand the fundamentals of Snap Score.

Quick Answer: No, your Snap score won’t increase with chats. It only increases by exchanging Snap, posting more stories, maintaining daily streaks, and increasing overall engagement on the app. 

Does Your Snap Score Increase With Chats?

No, scores on Snapchat do not increase with chats because it’s primarily a media-sharing app. Regardless of how often you chat here, your scores will remain unaffected. 

So, in case you still wonder, does your Snap score increase with chats, know that these scores are influenced by a number of factors, and chat is clearly not one of them. If you are truly interested in upscaling your scores, start by understanding how they function. 

How Does Snap Score Actually Work?

Snap score is the numerical number on your profile that describes your engagement level on the app. It helps you increase your reach and is determined by a number of factors. Snapchat’s official website has minimal information about Snapscore, which has left its users baffled. 

The site says, “Snap scores are determined by a super-secret and special equation that combines the number of snaps you’ve received or sent, stories posted, and other factors.”

This information is surely not sufficient to understand the working pattern of these scores. But worry not; after a lot of observation and analysis, we have figured out that these scores highly rely on – 

  • daily streaks
  • number of snaps you send
  • Stories posted 
  • challenges you take up

It’s just a rough estimation because, officially, there’s no proper information about these scores.

Also Read: How to Tell If Someone Has Snapchat Plus? Workarounds to See If Your Friend Has Snapchat+ 

Method to Check Your Snapchat Score

Finding snap scores on your profile is pretty simple, as they are mentioned just below the username. The following instructions will help you find your snap score!

  1. Launch Snapchat and click on the Bitmoji present at the top. 
  1. Now tap on the snap score written below your profile QR, and you’ll be able to see your detailed score, including the number of snaps, you sent, received, and stories you posted. 
    Click on the score below your profile QR

Finding your snap score is literally a two-step process. However, you need to put in a bit of extra effort to see your mutual friends or other people’s scores. The following section will help you with that.

Steps to See Other People’s Snap Score

Here’s how to see the score of your mutual friends: –

  1. Open the app and tap on the Chat option. 
  1. From chat history, open the Chat of the person whose score you want to see. 
    Tap on the chat option and open a chat
  1. Now click on their Bitmoji present at the top of the chat.
  1. Tap on the score present below the username to access the snap score. 
    Click on the Bitmoji to open the profile

Also Read: How to See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story? –More About This Trending Feature 

Perks of Having a High Snapchat Score

Having a high score on Snapchat is definitely a matter of pride and has the following benefits: –

  1. Enhanced Visibility – Higher visibility is one thing that we all crave in the virtual world. When you have a high score, the algorithm takes into account your activity and expands your reach by providing more visibility.   
  2. Collaborations and Brand Endorsement – High scores increase your visibility, which ultimately helps you get the opportunity for brand endorsements and collaborations. 

A high Snapchat score can pave the way to becoming a digital creator or influencer if you have dreamed of becoming one. You can use the tips mentioned in the upcoming section to boost your Snap score. 

Tips to Increase Your Snap Chat

Here are some of the ways to make your score go up!

  1. Exchange More Snaps – Even the official website clearly emphasizes exchanging more snaps to increase your score. Every single time you send or receive a snap, your score increases by one point. This is the most effective, proven, and easiest way to make your score go high. 
  2. Add More Stories – Adding more stories and making them public will help you expand your reach. It will increase your interaction with other users, ultimately giving a good boost to your scores. 
  3. Take More Challenges – This is not the most ideal or verified method of increasing scores but yes, it has worked for a lot of people. Your overall engagement determines your score and when you take up a challenge, you are interacting with more users. 
  4. Add More Friends – More friends means more snaps, and the whole game is about sending and receiving snaps. Even the Snapchat quick add feature aims to help you get more friends on your account. 
  5. Maintain Daily Snap Streaks – You get one point each consecutive day if you maintain a Snap streak. So you must exchange snaps within 24 hours with your friends in order to successfully maintain your daily streak. 

Being persistent with these tips will definitely help you increase your scores in the long run.

Also Read: How to See Birthdays on Snapchat – 100% Tried and Tested Methods 

What If My Snapchat Scores Don’t Add Up?

If you have done everything in your power to make your scores go up and still there’s no sign of improvement, don’t stress about it. Scores won’t increase overnight, so you need to be consistent and focus more on increasing your overall engagement on the app. 

Keep trying and sticking to the tips mentioned above; slowly, your score will also increase; till then, have patience. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: The Snapchat app doesn’t support buying Snap Score. However, many shady websites claim to sell you snap scores but don’t fall for these cheap claims. No third-party apps can help you boost your Snap score. 

Ans: Yes, your Snapchat score increases by one point every time you send or receive a Snap. Apart from exchanging Snap, your score also increases by posting more stories, taking on Snap challenges, and maintaining the Snap streak. 

Ans: The moment you share or receive a snap from someone, your score automatically updates. Other factors like stories, challenges, and streaks also influence your score, so apart from snap exchange your overall score generally updates within a week. 

Ans: Your Snapchat score goes up by one point every time you receive or send a snap to someone. So, maintaining your Snap streak and engaging more with your friends is the ultimate mantra to increase your score. 


What is a Snapscore? By Snapchat Support
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